
Sweet Secrets: This treat was for us, but is too good not to share

Our sweet owner and chief baker, Ilana Kadonoff, has been vegan for much of her life. It was her love of delicious sweets that inspired her to start Sweets from the Earth in the first place. Any treats that look or sound tasty, or which she remembers as being incredibly delicious, she can make taste just as good (and often even better) with all natural, plant-based, GMO-free ingredients.

Challah Standard Braided -Loaf-lo-resWhich brings us to her original recipe, vegan Challah. We can all agree that there’s nothing better than warm challah, and after giving up the egg bread recipe she enjoyed as a child, Ilana spent months in the kitchen experimenting with recipes, until the glorious day on which it was perfected. As with all our baking, our Challah is Kosher Pas Yisroel, vegan, and this special bread is also organic, sesame-free, and baked in our nut-free facility in Toronto.

Sweet Secrets is a series we created to share fun and quirky unknown facts about our sinfully delicious desserts. Challah is not available year-round, but may be special-ordered directly from us and picked up at our office at 234 Canarctic Drive.

Treats from the Earth