
Sweet Bliss – Marni Wasserman

If I told you that you could eat cookies and ice cream for dessert tonight. I bet that would bring a smile to your face!

Now before you go and buy Oreo’s and Haagen-Dazs, let me enlighten you.

Most of the cookies that you have grown up with in your lunchbox are loaded with ingredients that you do not want circulating around your body or passed on to future generations. As they are processed, refined and add no nutritional value.

I know we are talking cookies and dessert here, but there is something to be said about quality, especially when you can have whole ingredients from the earth all packed into one cookie.

Sweets from the Earth cookies alone are delicious, but these cookies combined with ice cream are even better. I wouldn’t pair them with anything other than Coconut Bliss, a rich, soft creamy dessert that is vegan and pure. This decadence creamed inside of two scrumptious cookies is nothing short of sweet bliss.

This is by no mean’s a low fat or low calorie dessert, but what I can tell you is that it 100% wholesome using naturally sourced ingredients that not only taste good, but make you feel good!

Marni’s favourite Cookie Bliss Combo:

What you need:

2 spelt Sweet from the Earth chocolate chip cookies

1/3 cup combined vanilla island and dark chocolate Coconut Bliss

What you do:

  1. Allow pints of ice cream to melt for 10 minutes on counter top
  2. Measure out 1/3 cup of ice cream and combine in a bowl to make it look “swirled”
  3. Place back into measuring cup and scoop onto 1 spelt cookie and top with the other spelt cookie
  4. Close your eyes and take a bite!

Even Better!

If you have allergies, Sweets from the Earth has that covered. They have two separate facilities. One that specializes in gluten free and one that is nut free! Both are vegan and divine!

Marni Wasserman (www.marniwasserman.com) is a Graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto with a certificate as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. She is also a graduate of The Natural Gourmet Culinary Institution in New York City and certified as a chef. Her focus is stemmed around whole foods, and she is dedicated to providing individuals with a balanced lifestyle through natural plant based foods. Using passion and experience, she strives to educate individuals on how everyday eating can be simple and delicious.

Marni is a prominent figure of health and nutrition in the Toronto. In addition to being the Founder of “Delicious Knowledge” where she teaches regularly scheduled cooking classes, workshops and yearly retreats. Marni is also a regular contributor for Chatelaine magazine, Bamboo Magazine and Tonic Toronto.

Treats from the Earth